Life of the Water:
Life of the Water: (from Bing, the italic words are my takeaways in input) It represents life and fertility, allowing generation upon generation to survive and thrive. Water also represents circulation, which is crucial for our survival and for the recreation of water. It’s also one of the four elements of life, the signs that we connect with – Earth, Air, Fire, and Water. Water is for cleansing Water, in its myriad forms, holds profound symbolism across cultures and contexts. Let’s delve into its rich meanings: Life: Water is the lifeblood of our planet. It covers over 70% of Earth’s surface and constitutes a significant portion of our bodies. Without water, neither humanity nor any other form of life would exist. It’s the difference between survival and extinction. Water also defines whether a planet can support life or not. (without water we would not be here and you would not have life or there would not be growth or refreshing) Fertility: Water enables growth and reproduction. It nourishes plants, allowing them to bear fruit. Abundant food, in turn, supports human reproduction. Throughout history, civilizations near water sources thrived, like the Egyptians along the Nile or the Romans with their aqueducts. (You will thrive near the water flow. It is refreshing and relaxing and you can connect and get grounded back to life with water!) Refreshment: Water quenches our thirst, rejuvenates us, and cleanses our bodies. It’s a symbol of renewal and replenishment. (it is time to renew and refresh your life & prepare for the Refreshment that is coming and your thirst will be quenched.) Motion: Rivers flow, waves crash, rain falls—water is in perpetual motion. It represents change, adaptability, and the ebb and flow of life. (This is true in life it flows, crashes, rain falling on your life is in perpetual motion alway changing and adapting to your emotions to survive.) Circulation: Our bodies rely on water for circulation—the movement of blood, nutrients, and oxygen. Symbolically, it signifies the interconnectedness of all things. ( Our life relies on movement. We need the circulation in our bodies to survive and to flourish) Purity: Water’s clarity and transparency make it a symbol of purity. Rituals involving water often aim to cleanse and purify. (our life needs to be pure and fresh to excel in life) Mystery: Oceans hold uncharted depths, and water conceals secrets. It’s both familiar and enigmatic.(your life needs to have element of mystery to hold that excitement to bring and happiness) Power: Water’s force shapes landscapes, carves canyons, and generates energy. It’s a potent force of creation and destruction. ( your life should always have the power to create, generate, and shape it so it can withstand and to shine as you are the masterpiece and star of your life.) love Malsmom How to contact Malorie’s Place: Web page: https://maloriesplace.org/ Malorie’s Place Support Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1505206463361110 Malorie’s Place: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1129727278479715 Email:
Essential oils and Grieving & Depression
I have found and use these amazing oils to help with Grief, depression and anxiety. I'm going to show you 3 oils today and explain to you how they can help you; Please remember that you’re capable, brave and loved – even when it feels like you’re not. On those really difficult days when it seems impossible to go on and you feel like giving up, just remind yourself that you’ve been there before and you’ve survived every time, so you can survive this time, too. Clary Sage salvia sclarea 10ml Clary Sage has been used since the Middle Ages for a variety of health concerns ranging from digestive disorders to nervous conditions. It has anti-inflammatory properties and is useful for respiratory infections .* Clary Sage has a fairly unremarkable biochemical composition, the principal constituents of which are found in a large number of Essential Oils. It is the compounds found in low quantities or the trace elements that give it its most original properties. One of the essential qualities of Clary Sage is that it is rebalancing and antispasmodic. It fights depression manifestations and overexcitability in young girls or sensitive women. * Unlike common Sage, Clary Sage does not contain any toxic biochemical compounds. It is devoid of ketones and rich in esters, which common Sage lacks. Clary Sage is fundamentally a terrain oil, and thanks to it, aromatherapists possess a remarkable means of regulating deep-seated gynecological problems and the psychological consequences ensuing as a result. * uses aromatic • Diffusion: Diffuse 10 to 15 drops in a cool mist essential oil diffuser to create an uplifting and light-hearted atmosphere. * • Inhalation: Add 1 to 2 drops to a tissue or cotton ball and inhale. * bath • Bath: Add 10 to 20 drops to ½ cup Pink Himalayan or Dead Sea salt and mix into warm bath water to assist with irregular or painful periods, colic, cramps, dyspepsia, and the pain of childbirth. Used in the bath, it can also help those suffering from nervous tension, stress, migraine, frigidity, impotence, and tiredness. * topical • Hair/Scalp: Dilute 1 to 2 drops in a teaspoon of carrier oil and massage into the scalp to stimulate hair growth and tonify the scalp. * • Lotion/Massage: Dilute 5 to 10 drops in carrier oil and use to massage the abdomen and lower back to assist with irregular menstrual cycles or other problems of the reproductive system such as frigidity, impotence, the pain of childbirth, abdominal cramps and dyspepsia. CHERISHED PLACE EO | GROUNDING BLEND {10ML} Cherished Place is a sweet smelling blend designed to use as a room spray or fragrance that lightens the atmosphere and creates an uplifting mood.* Cherished Place is appreciated by all and can replace the toxic artificial room sprays we see advertised so heavily. Cherished Place cleanses the air of toxins and germs while leaving behind life enhancing molecules that nurture and support a healthy environment.* Lemongrass cymbopogon flexuosus 10ml Believed to be a sedative to the central nervous system, Lemongrass is extremely beneficial for stress related conditions and for times of nervous exhaustion as it is energizing yet soothing. It is also great support for dispelling anger and frustration .* Lemongrass may assist with headaches and is an excellent support for aching tendons, cartilage, and connective tissue. * Lemongrass is great for wrinkles and aging skin when diluted with a carrier oil. It also reduces excessive perspiration and acts as a deodorant and a purifier for oily skin. * Its tonifying astringent properties make it excellent for cleansing oily skin and blackheads, and for tightening pores. It is very effective in shampoo formulations for oily hair and scalp, or for oily scalp with dry hair .* uses aromatic • Diffusion: Diffuse 10 to 15 drops in a cool mist essential oil diffuser in 15 minute intervals as needed throughout the day. Lemongrass may be particularly effective for lack of concentration. Since it stimulates the left brain and aids our logical thinking processes, it is suitable for diffusers at home or in the office, especially in conference rooms or wherever clear, fresh thinking and good concentration are required. * • Inhalation: Put 1 to 2 drops on a tissue, cotton ball, or your hands and inhale deeply as needed. * • Misting: Mix 20 drops with 4 ounces of distilled water in an amber glass or PET plastic bottle, shake well, and mist into the environment as desired. * bath • Bath: Mix 8 to 10 drops in ½ cup of Pink Himalayan or Dead Sea bath salt and mix into warm bath water to assist and help support your body in easing muscular aches. * environmental • Cleaning: Add to household cleaners to boost cleaning power and impart a fresh scent.* topical • Compress: Mix 2 to 4 drops in 1 pint of hot or cold water, soak a towel in the water, and apply on the desired location. Cover the area with a dry towel and heating pad or ice pack. * • Massage: Add a few drops to lotion or carrier oil and use as a rejuvenating massage sports injuries, bruises, and pulled ligaments.* These oils can help you with: Stress nervous exhaustion great support for dispelling anger and frustration mental fatigue mental deficiency. helpful for children suffering psychic problems due to parental lack of understanding or conflict. fights depression manifestations and overexcitability in young girls or sensitive women. maintaining a gentle calm, I pray you have a great day and I urge you to check these oils out so they may help you with your depression, anxiety, to purchase: https://goDesana.com/226532

How we are thriving through the trauma of our Malorie’s addiction and Stress!
Welcome to Malories Place Blog Malorie was a vibrant and caring lady. She became an addict to pills, when she was 17. She moved onto cocaine, other drugs, and then meth While her active addiction there was pain, tears, anguish, begging God, feeling I had failed her and everyone else, and embarrassment. We lost the Malorie that we knew as vibrant and fun loving and funny. We gained a depressed, lying, manipulative woman. Who was tormented by her addiction. You could not trust her. Things were being stolen to pay for the drugs. We had to lock up Meds, Jewelry, checks, money, anything valuable and things that were easy to pawn. This went on for 15 years. For the longest time I would believe what she told me and not what others were telling me. I had blinders on and did not want to see the truth. One day I realized enough was enough: the physical torment I was going through, the stomach aches, the depression and the wanting to curl up in bed not face the world became a reality for me. For a while I wallowed in this state then I realized that this is not how I want to live. So I kept praying to God asking him to help me and I started to let my worship be the center of my life and it pulled me up and out of my pit. I realized it was not my fault I had raised Mal up in church and she knew the word. So I gave it over to God daily. It seemed like every few minutes I went to him. God got me through this with Worship, prayers and promising that he had her in his hands and was in control. Now for the family it sucked everyone went with her down that hole. Her Brothers were affected, her children were affected, her nieces and nephews were affected and friends. They would distance themselves from her. It would hurt me to hear if Mal is going to be there and I would say yes. Her children were taken from her. They live with us now. Her daughter had to seek help and get Therapy. Her son is angry and her youngest is working through the difficulties he has had to endure. She became the elephant in the room. I would hurt because she was being displayed. They all loved her but had a hard time being around her. She was sober for 3 years and 2 of her brothers and she became close. They had her back and were proud of what she was doing with her life. Her older brother did not live here so they just saw each other once a year. She said "We're not meant to fight this battle alone" Well it has been 14 months since Malorie's death. The grief is there and we have peace knowing she is in heaven and is free and she is not being tormented daily. There is a relief knowing she is safe and not out there and not knowing what has happened or what shoe is going to fall next. How we are dealing with grief. Mom: (me) I pray, I talk about it, I cry but not depressed crying a good cry of missing her, I live depressed free, I live for her children and my grandchildren, & liveI help others, so there is NOT ONE MORE!!!! Aspen cries and will talk about her at times. She was building a relationship back with mom again. Madix does not talk about it Gregson: Mom is the topic of the meal conversation at dinner. Memories, & I wish… Mal is talked about daily in our home. Sometimes there are tears,or laughing. Dad he tears up at times, comforts me and he is quiet at times. When we have family get-togethers there is a place set for Malorie and we talk about the memories and laugh and cry. This is how we are handling the passing of Malorie. “Sometimes the strongest among us are the ones who smile through silent pain, cry behind closed doors, and fight battles nobody knows about.” – Unknown (Source: Quotena.com) This is why Malorie’s Place was born to help others and we will be the voice crying out to say you are not alone. We got You!!! Not one more!!!! You are not alone!!! At Malorie’s Place, we believe that no one should face life’s challenges alone. Together, we illuminate the path toward healing and resilience. How to contact Malorie’s Place: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/leslie.hulbert.96 Web page: https://maloriesplace.org/ Malorie’s Place Support Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1505206463361110 Malorie’s Place: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1129727278479715 Email:

Are you so calm & so serene in the midst of a storm?
Looking back at the past year when my daughter Mal passed. There was a part of me that was calm, serene, and relieved. I miss her so and the grief is a torental wave at times where I am brought to my knees and Thank God for answering my prayer and I ask Him to give her a hug and a kiss for me and tell her I love her. When these waves come I retreat to my room for quiet time and sit on my bed in the calmness and sereness of my room. When at work I cry at my desk and my friend Liz will say are you crying I will boohoo saying yes & she will come over and give me a hug. While all this is happening and the waves at home I use my oils and thank God for answering my prayer for Malorie not being tormented anymore. 20 years of this pure HELL was unbearable with what little pieces she would let me in to see and the torment her children and of course her brothers, dad and I would go through. It was a family affair. The prayer God answered for me from the depths of my soul was God deliver her. That Saturday standing by her bed in the ICU. I told God I know you can heal her, you are The Healer, Deliver and can raise her anew. I also said to God and prayed millions of times that if she gets healed I want full deliverance where she doesn't have to be tormented by this demonic influence any more. Lord take her if this is your will. I held Mals hand and said baby it is just you and me again like it was when you were born this time I’m walking you Home. Go and be free!!!! When I received the call on that Friday morning there was a release, a calm, peace, and serene presence of God invaded me. I knew He Answered me and the torment for the family, and the stress was lifted. Now we just miss her and grieve her being gone. We talk about her daily use of the oils, and I have found a group of friends who are walking the path I am and I love helping others and they are helping me. I found out there are alot more who are suffering from Grief and depression, and families living with addiction and would love to love them. If one life is saved from depression, addiction and years of torment from grieving then I'm here for you!! This is the cry of my heart!! Love Les